Professional Learning

New Reading Horizons Discovery®
New Customer Training
This pay-per-seat virtual new customer training empowers teachers and builds confidence in using Reading Horizons® Discovery. It includes how to deliver a lesson using all aspects of the instructional cycle to positively impact students and the next steps for professional learning.
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New Reading Horizons Discovery®
Leadership Series
This pay-per-seat professional learning offering includes two three-hour virtual sessions for district and site leaders new to Reading Horizons Discovery®. This training includes an overview of the foundation of the Reading Horizons Discovery® program, including the method and instructional cycle, understanding what a high-quality Reading Horizons Discovery classroom looks like, identifying resources to help teachers with implementation, identifying key components of effective implementation in the first year, and developing a school or district vision and implementation plan. It is recommended that leaders attend this training after adoptions and prior to their site’s year 1 getting started training.
Note: Two virtual three-hour sessions are required to be completed in order.
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New Reading Horizons Discovery®
Transition Training
Description: This pay per seat virtual, customer transition training provides streamlined information highlighting the differences and improvements between the legacy and new versions of Reading Horizons Discovery®. This training empowers teachers and builds confidence in successfully implementing the new instructional cycle, digital tool, and materials.
all aspects of the instructional cycle to positively impact students and next steps for professional learning. Note: Two virtual three-hour sessions are required to be completed in order These Reading Horizons Discovery® training sessions are for those that teach Kindergarten-3rd grade.
Note: Two virtual three-hour sessions are required to be completed in order.
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Legacy Reading Horizons Discovery®
K–2 Training
This pay per seat two session virtual professional learning covers a brief overview of the science of reading, Structured Literacy, and the process of implementing the Reading Horizons instructional framework in various settings. Attendees will receive an overview of the phonics skills taught in Reading Horizons Discovery®, focusing on the content in the initial chapters, how to implement the program in their classroom with practice of the instructional design, how to deliver a lesson, and how to use the available resources.
Note: Two virtual three-hour sessions are required to be completed in order These Reading Horizons Legacy Discovery® training sessions are for those that teach K-2nd grade.
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Reading Horizons Elevate®
4–Adult Training
This pay per seat virtual professional learning covers a brief overview of the science of reading, Structured Literacy, and the process of implementing the Reading Horizons instructional framework in various settings. Attendees will receive an overview of the phonics skills taught in Reading Horizons Elevate®, focusing on the content in the initial chapters, how to implement the program in their classroom with practice of the instructional design, how to deliver a lesson, and how to use the available resources.
Note: Two virtual three-hour sessions are required to be completed in order
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Express Track Training
Elevate® Express Track Training
This two-day virtual professional learning experience covers an accelerated path that addresses the growing literacy gaps in older students, particularly those in grades 4-12. Attendees will receive an overview of the phonics skills taught in the new Reading Horizons Express Track Scope and Sequence. They will also learn how to implement the program in their classroom, including how to deliver a lesson and use the available resources. This approach will get results within one semester by providing targeted, research-based lessons that align with the Science of Reading. This Express Track training helps students quickly acquire the foundational skills needed for reading proficiency, including phonemic awareness, decoding, and fluency.
Note: Two virtual three-hour sessions are required to be completed in order
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