Nearly 66% of fourth-grade and eighth-grade learners perform below proficient achievement levels in reading. The path ahead can be difficult and discouraging for students in grades four and beyond who have challenges with reading. For striving readers, newcomers, and students with special needs, we can do more and do it better. That is the focus of this webinar.
Watch as Dr. Jennifer Bishop, a nationally recognized literacy specialist whose doctoral work emphasized secondary literacy interventions, explores the importance of foundational literacy instruction for older students. She showcases technology-enabled solutions’ crucial role in accelerating learning for these students and teaches about independent, competency-based learning strategies. Dr. Bishop covers how upper elementary and secondary-level educators can use assessment-driven, explicit phonics instruction based on reading science and age-appropriate to meet learners where they are, helping them accelerate as fluent, confident readers. Walk away with practical, productive ways to support your striving readers in school and beyond.