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The Facts Matter: Data and Insights to Guide Your Back-to-School Approaches

How many times have you heard the phrase, “Get real”? This episode extends our back-to-school conversation and focuses on the data and real-time information that will help teachers create classrooms that are places of success for every student. From recognizing that nearly a third of all fourth graders score below basic in reading, with another third at very basic levels, to early assessments that will identify those students who need extra support, this episode will “get real” about supporting striving readers from the first weeks of school forward. The conversation stretches from early grades through upper elementary, middle, and high school, emphasizing building strong reading and writing foundational skills in the K–3 years. It’s an urgent, important message full of optimism as our hosts look at the tools, supports, and knowledge that will lead to literacy.

Season 4, Episode 2

Click this link to read the show notes. 

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