Chief Executive Officer
Tyson J. Smith
CEO of Reading Horizons, Tyson, has guided the Kaysville-based company into becoming a national and international education publishing enterprise. Since its inception over 40 years ago, Reading Horizons has had a firm focus on its goal to publish and market industry-leading education products centered on Reading Horizons’ reading strategies. Tyson received his Undergraduate Degree in Business Management from the University of Utah and his MBA from Brigham Young University. He first joined Reading Horizons in 1998 as Executive Vice President with an emphasis in Marketing and Sales. He assumed the role of CEO in October 2001 and, since that time, has overseen steady sales growth and myriad improvements to the Reading Horizons line of products. Tyson has worked with thousands of educators worldwide to help make dramatic improvements in literacy rates for their students. He has also presented at education and technology conferences throughout North America and internationally.
Why are you passionate about working for Reading Horizons?
My motives for working here are entirely selfish. I love the feeling that I get when I talk to a teacher who says, ‘I can’t believe I didn’t know this; I’m so excited to put it to use!’ I enjoy hearing about students who have a newfound love of literature and whose grades have gone from C’s and D’s to A’s and B’s. I love the feeling I get working here with committed individuals who make me want to stretch myself to meet their standards. I love coming to work and feeling like we are doing something great and that we’re doing it the right way. So as you can see, it’s all about me. (Wow! That even rhymes.).
Tyson J. Smith